This study examined the effects of varying
air velocities vs. a constant air velocity with a cyclic temperature
curve of 25-30-25°C and a dew point of 23°C on
broilers from 28 to 49 d of age. Four replicate trials were
conducted. In each trial, 742 male broilers were randomly
allocated to 6 floor pens or 2 air velocity tunnels, with
each tunnel consisting of 4 pens. Bird density, feeder, and
waterer space were similar across all pens (53 birds/
pen; 0.07 m2/bird). The treatments were control (still air),
constant air velocity of 120 m/min, and increasing air
velocity (90 m/min from 28 to 35 d, 120 m/min from 36
to 42 d, and 180 m/min from 43 to 49 d). Birds grown in