It must be noted also that the melody of Ladrang Siyem is somewhat unusual for a gamelan composition. For example, most gamelan pieces proceed largely in even note values: typically one expects a steady succession of crotchets (quarter notes), as found here only in bar 11. Thai classical compositions show much more durational diversity, so the original piece is less unusual in a Thai context. Aside from that, many melodic passages, such as bar 2, have unusual contours from a Javanese perspective. Perhaps for that reason, there is some uncertainty in assigning Ladrang Siyem to a Javanese mode (pathet): it is given as pathet sanga in Becker and Feinstein (1988:363) but as pathet nem in most other sources (e.g. Warsadiningra1t 987:160;M loyowidodo 1976:1.149).
There are several other minor changes which could be noted, but let this suffice
for an initial demonstration