born date 15 February. 1564 at Pisa (Pisa) Italy (Italy)
died on January 2001 8 1642 at Florence. (Florence) Italy (Italy)
works - ad 1584 rules pendulum (Pendulum) or rules you free pendulum clock
- Ad1585 published a book called Kydrostatic Balance Centre of and Gravity
- ad 1591 prove the theory of Aristotle that objects of lightweight that wrong. In fact, the object will fall to the ground at the same time
.Telescope - development more efficient. Shining stars in the universe and can be found, the surface of the moon
- found that many types of stars, which looks are different planets. Star
- Milky way (Milky Way)
.- find the host of Jupiter to the sun to 4
- Saturn's ring, which rules that have to 3 mouth color
- found that the surface of Venus is similar to the moon
- found focus on the sun. (Sun Spot)
- found the planet 3 tail lights.