1- Producing RCC in batching plant:
Batching plant is used to produce the RCC concrete near the site. There are several important issues that have to be considered here. One of these is the production rate, which is dependent on its component’s (water, ingredients, cement) production. The location of the dam, as well as the climate zone and temperature of the season, is all factor that need to be considered when determining whether or not we need pre-cooling or past-cooling.
It is crucial to match the RCC layer production rate to the batching plant’s, so that no leftover concrete would remain unused and passed its useful lifespan. Generally, the optimum time for using concrete is less than 30 minutes; however in RCC dams, this time is variable. This is due to several factors: the slump of RCC being zero and less cement being used in RCC compared to conventional concrete. Some of this cement is replaced by natural and artificial pozzolans. The other important issue that must be considered is the probability of a dysfunctional batching plant, which corrupts that coherence of construction. There has to be a plan in place for spurs as needed.