“Profile Control Production” is mindset in DDS production way and clear up those KPIV/KPOV in process. KPIV; Key Process Input Variable
“Profile Control Production” has theory that when product assemble statistically controlled uniform component each other, the product must be uniform assembly product. Therefore we control the profile such as dimension parameter at each process and some of dimension related to suspension characteristic so that it is important to fix the control value to be a same profile at anytime.
Profile Control value = Average control target = SPC target.
This Profile Control value come from KPIV/KPOV study
(Correlation study and Margin test)
What’s KPIV ?;
An input factor in a process that has been determined to be a source of variability in the output of the process. Once the key process input variables for a process are determined, statistical experiments can be designed that can reveal optimal values for each factor to achieve desired output quality.