Service components[edit]
U.S. Cyber Command is composed of several service components, units from military services who will provide Joint services to Cyber Command.
Army Cyber Command/Second Army (Army)
Army Network Enterprise Technology Command / 9th Army Signal Command (NETCOM/9thSC(A))
Cyber Protection Brigade
United States Army Intelligence and Security Command will be under the operational control of ARCYBER for cyber-related actions.[5][6][7]
1st Information Operations Command (Land)
780th Military Intelligence Brigade (Cyber)
Fleet Cyber Command/Tenth Fleet (Navy)[8][9]
Naval Network Warfare Command
Navy Cyber Defense Operations Command
Naval Information Operation Commands
Combined Task Forces
Air Forces Cyber/Twenty-Fourth Air Force (Air Force)[10][11]
67th Cyberspace Operations Wing
688th Cyberspace Operations Wing
624th Operations Center
5th Combat Communications Group
Marine Corps Cyberspace Command (Marine Corps)[12]