The research analysis has been divided into two parts due to the extensive
research topic and its analytic research. The first part was a comparative study of
different curricula while the second part is the analysis of the questionnaire’ results
compiled by the teachers.
In the first part studying the curricula – its usefulness in the mainstream
schools if there is a child with disability present – analytic research method has been
applied. This method was the document analysis or resource analysis. In our research
we analyzed the basic document of mainstream school education, the National Core
Curriculum (1995), its structure, the general aims of education, the tasks and
requirements in able-bodied education. After we looked into the more specific area
the P.E. and sport domain of the curriculum, and we analyzed the detailed, specific
aims, tasks and requirements, also had a look at the compulsory and required teaching
periods, the subject matter and how do teachers asses the performance of their
In case of special education and children with disabilities 8 local curricula
have been analyzed:
• Local curriculum of School for physically disabled children (Mexikoi Street)
• Curriculum for children with pervasive developmental disability (autistic,
• Local curriculum of an elementary school, which is practicing school of
ELTE Gusztav Barczi Special Education College, where mild mentally
retarded children are educated
• Curriculum of Gusztav Barczi Special Education Institution where medium
mentally retarded children are educated
• Local curriculum of House of Children Institution
• Special curriculum for deaf children
• Curriculum of Dr. Bela Torok Nursery and Elementary School for children
with hearing problem
• Local curriculum for schools and classes of other disability types and speech
therapy classes
The above mentioned curricula have been analyzed with the same methods and steps
as the National Core Curriculum.
The other method we used was the questionnaire. From all the types of the
questionnaires we applied the written one, where there are written questions and the
teachers had to answer in a written format. On the questionnaire we listed statements
and the teachers had to value them according to their opinion on that certain topic,
how they feel about the statement and they evaluated. Cumulative Likert scale was
used to express their ideas about the actual situation and the ideal future situation. All
together 158 questionnaires have been analyzed. The results were computed into
SPSS 13.0 for Windows file after coding and this program has been used to analyze
the answers. There were 99 variables which have been presented on nominal and scale
measures. From the statistic analyses descriptive methods have been used, we
calculated frequencies and we applied cross-tabulation. While analysing the Likert
scale results nonparametric methods have been used. To asses the current situation
first descriptive statistic methods were used to find out the frequencies of each
variable, than Chi-square test was used to check its significance level. The same
method has been used for the ideal future situation; first frequency was applied than
Chi-square test was used to test its significances. Nonparametric Chi-square test was
used to see, if there is a significant difference between the current and the ideal future
situations. Wilcoxon and Friedman tests were applied to clarify the existing difference
between the two situations (current and future). The value of “p” was accepted if it
was less than 0,005 in both descriptive and nonparametric statistical tests. In case the
value of the statistic test was 0,000, it was written p