Increase in the frequency of flooding incidents all over the world and indeed in Nigeria is a major cause for concern. The purpose of this research work is to identify the factors that lead to flooding; and using Geographic Information Systems, map the flood prone areas in Surulere. The causal factors of flooding in Surulere, such as high rainfall intensity and duration, land use patterns, human actions, urbanization, soil impermeability to mention but a few were identified. The pattern of rainfall in Surulere was analysed using 20 years rainfall data from The Nigerian Meteorological Agency. The land use/land cover map as well as the DEM of Surulere was generated in the ArcGis environment with ikonos imagery and 1:50,000 toposheet of Lagos S.E which covers Surulere. The Flood prone areas in Surulere were then mapped. Results show that majority of the land area of Surulere is prone to flooding. Flood mitigation such as early warning systems and flood forecasting, proper urban development, awareness and research should be implemented by the Lagos State Government.