The current communication system is more important to our daily life and have continual improvement. To serve the needs of consumers. The first technology is telephone until smartphone that is important to many people around the world. Mobile phones have already been used widely around the world for activism, social and economic development, and new cultural and communicative forms. Mobile phones is more than fixed-line telephones around the world and in developing countries. Mobile phones is telecommunications access, that often make normal contact between families and friends open across the world. Moreover features of mobile-phone culture (such as text messaging) have been widely taken up across Africa, Asia, and Latin America, as well as elsewhere. Further, mobile and wireless technologies provide online platforms for many citizens, where computer and Internet access remain out of reach. Despite this widespread use of mobile phones, they remain a relatively un-theorized and un-discussed phenomenon in community and citizens' media. Accordingly in this paper, we wish to consider how mobile phones have been taken up by citizens to create new forms of expression and power.