Manufacture and develop good people.
Graduates and staff development, as people are Honorable patiptha. Know and crave the thought leadership, mind and intelligence are far wider worldview have the ability to solve problems. Faith, devotion to Buddhism and social development.
Management education and research, and good quality.
Management education and development of learning process by integrating research into Buddhism with modern sciences including academia, theory and practice. Through advance study Research and quality assurance of education towards academic excellence and to create new knowledge in development. Human society and the environment, coexistence and peace.
Academic services and good health.
Committed to serving the academic aspects of Buddhist monks and social sanction, including learning and good cooperation between the Buddhist in the national and international levels in order to maintain its traditions, art and culture because Buddhism.
Good management effectively.
Aim management development of the rule of law, ethics, responsibility sense of participation, transparency, and value for money, including support. To promote and develop the potential of our people to go into a learning organization, truly.