The little pet that had just hatched had a lot of dirt covering the surface of its body in the form of threads, hindering its movements. Since it had been a while since the little pet had hatched, the dirty stuff on its body had already begun to dry. After a while, it became completely unable to move.
Seeing the little pet gasping for breath, Suo Jia did not have the heart to see it continue to strain itself. His right hand smoothly danced through the air, and after a perfect completion of the Moisture Technique, a fine mist smoothly drizzled onto the little pet’s head, washing away all of the impurities on its body. At the same time, [the mist] repeatedly permeated the little pet’s body.
Feeling the effects of the Moisture Technique, the little pet stopped its struggling. It lazily laid down on Suo Jia’s hands, contentedly enjoying the feeling of the strands of mist from the Moisture Technique, too lazy to move at all.