Beef was not an important part of the American diet before the Civil War. Cattle were not indigenous to the Americas, so you could not find cattle in the New World until the Spanish introduced them into in Mexico in 1540. In the 18th century, the Spanish and French colonist began to raise cattle. As the railroads developed, they used trains to transport to herds from San Antonio to New Orleans. However, this industry collapsed because of the cold winter, and 90 percent of the herds were wiped out.
Eventually, technology, animal husbandry, and barbed wire changed the industry. In 1871, a Detroit meat pecker named G. H. Hanharmand brought refrigeration railway cars west, transforming the industry. Slaughterhouses had been set up in the Midwest for shipment of meat back to the east where the appetite for beef was beginning to develop. After the Second World War, beef became a symbol of American prosperity. Americans were eating 62 pounds by 1952, 99 pounds by 1960, and an all time high of 114 pounds in 1970. Nowadays, that rate is increasing everyday.