This is an RCT comparing class-delivered guided CBT
self-help using the LLTTF classes, with a DAC who will
receive the intervention after 6 months. We will followup
participants until 6 months, which represents a reasonable
level of sustainability. Our trial experience and
recent review makes us feel that the delayed treatment
arm as opposed to treatment as usual is necessary to
maximize recruitment and retention for this population
[26]. To address stigma and encourage self-referral
(known to address the treatment gap), both recruitment
and delivery will take place in community settings and
recruit directly through community-based adverts supplemented
with advertisements through AOD.
The aim of this substantive study is to recruit people
experiencing significant depression, and to include both
those already receiving NHS support as well as those
who are not. We will include both those with clinically
diagnosed major depression as well as those with significantly
raised mood scores. We will describe the population
in detail in terms of mood severity and clinical diagnosis.
The study will assess the effectiveness of LLTTF in reducing
symptoms of depression and anxiety and in improving
social functioning. Effectiveness will be measured using
standardized outcome measures that address a broad range