Cardinal values and growth/
no growth boundaries were determined in broth, while artificial spore inoculations were performed in
dough for various pan bread recipes to compare experimental counts with in silico growth simulations.
Finally, two storage scenarios were tested to determine the probability to reach a spoilage threshold
during bread shelf-life. Similarly to the safety criteria fixed for Listeria monocytogenes contamination in
foodstuff complying with EC regulation, a potential rope spoilage threshold was arbitrary fixed at 5 log
CFU/g for B. amyloliquefaciens. This study further underlines a higher rope spoilage potential of the ISPA
strains as compared to the ATCC strain, thus emphasizing the interest to characterise both wild strains
and reference strain to account for biological variability. In conclusion, this study showed that available
decision making tools which are largely recognized to predict behaviour of pathogenic strains, shall also
be used with spoilage strains to help maintain food quality and extend shelf-life.
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
Cardinal values and growth/no growth boundaries were determined in broth, while artificial spore inoculations were performed indough for various pan bread recipes to compare experimental counts with in silico growth simulations.Finally, two storage scenarios were tested to determine the probability to reach a spoilage thresholdduring bread shelf-life. Similarly to the safety criteria fixed for Listeria monocytogenes contamination infoodstuff complying with EC regulation, a potential rope spoilage threshold was arbitrary fixed at 5 logCFU/g for B. amyloliquefaciens. This study further underlines a higher rope spoilage potential of the ISPAstrains as compared to the ATCC strain, thus emphasizing the interest to characterise both wild strainsand reference strain to account for biological variability. In conclusion, this study showed that availabledecision making tools which are largely recognized to predict behaviour of pathogenic strains, shall alsobe used with spoilage strains to help maintain food quality and extend shelf-life.© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
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