Deferred tax assets are recognized for all
deductible temporary differences and
accumulated tax losses that have not been
utilized, if taxable income is likely to be
available so that the temporary differences can
be deducted and the unutilized tax losses can
be utilized.
Deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax assets
(if they meet the criteria) are recognized for
temporary differences associated with
investments in subsidiaries and associates,
unless the timing of the reversal of temporary
differences can be controlled and it is probable
that the temporary differences will not be
reversed in the foreseeable future.
The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is
reviewed at each reporting date and is
reduced to the extent that it is no longer
probable that sufficient taxable income will be
available in the future to enable some or all of
the benefits of the deferred tax assets to be
realized. Deferred tax assets that have not
been recognized previously are reviewed at
each reporting date and recognized to the
extent that it has become probable that
sufficient taxable income will be available to
enable the deferred tax assets to be