There are no easy solutions to cleaning up oil spills.Available methods include the use of biological agents
that help break down the oil, use of materials that absorb oil, and gelling agents that make oil easier to
skim from the surface. People also physically clean up spills by using high-pressure water hoses on shores and cleaning oil off of animals. The National Research Council report
Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects (2005) assesses
the scientific questions related to the use of dispersants,a group of chemicals that act like soap to help dilute large oil spills. They work to reduce the oily contamination of wildlife and shoreline habitats by allowing the oil to be dispersed into the surrounding waters. However,in semi-enclosed coastal areas, the oil may not be diluted sufficiently by dispersants to reduce its toxicity to marine life.The report concludes that decisions about whether and when to use dispersants require a very site-specific assessment of a complex array of variables, including the type and volume of the oil spill, and the weather, water depth, degree of turbulence,and relative abundance and life stages of marine species in the region. The report recommends that relevant state and federal agencies, industry, and international partners develop and
implement focused studies to support decision making about the use and anticipated effectiveness
of dispersants for a given spill.