It started with open-ended questions; nevertheless the researcher verified whether or
not each of the measurement and reporting approaches and CO2 reduction initiatives
found in the literature were applied in the companies studied. The third part asked for
the future trends in green logistics and rounded the interviews off.
In addition, the study followed Oppenheim’s (1992) recommendations on how to reduce
bias during the interview process by keeping a neutral stance during the interview
process. As suggested by Locke et al. (2000), names of companies and interview partners’
were kept secret, and interviewees were informed of this, the nature of the investigation
and their role within the study, with the benefits of participation being underlined.
This was all clarified in the initial invitation.
The interviews were tape-recorded in German to ensure data accuracy. After the
interviews, the data collected were typed in German and translated to English.
Subsequently, the interview scripts were synthesised by applying content-analysis, as
recommended by Saunders et al. (2009), and transferred into an Excel spreadsheet
based on the many themes mentioned by interviewees. Notes were returned for final
adjustment and approval to the interviewees on request. The data were analysed using
cross-case analysis as suggested by Maylor and Blackmon (2005).
After the interviews were conducted, the managers provided the researchers with
the Corporate Social Responsibility/Environmental reports of the companies as well as
any other internal environmental reports relevant to the study. These reports helped
the researchers to validate the findings gathered from the interviews. In particular,
these reports confirmed CO2 measurement and reduction initiatives adopted by the
participating companies. The company web sites were also checked for additional
information on green logistics.
From all these data sources, the research team wrote a report based on the study
findings. This report had two aims:
(1) to give the opportunity to participants to provide feedback on the findings to
the research team; and
(2) to provide a benchmark on green logistics for each of the participating
companies against their competitors.