Will Kellogg was born In 1860. He had no idea that one day he would Change the way we eat breakfast. Will had little education compared to his brother John Kellogg. John was the chief doctor at the Battle Creek Health Center in Michigan, where mostly rich people went to eat healthy food and recover their health. Will worked very hard at his brother’s health center didn’t want to do. He also helped John look for new healthy foods for his patients. They worked together, trying to everything with the wheat; they boiled it and then rolled it out flat, but nothing seemed to work
One day, Will cooked some wheat, as usual, and then had to leave. When he returned, the wheat had become stale. He decided to put this wheat through rollers anyway. To his surprise, each grain of wheat came out as a flake. When he baked the flakes in the oven to get them dry, they became light brown in color. After he tried this a few time, he produced wheat flakes without the stale wheat. He asked his brother john to serve the new breakfast food in the dining room of the health center. The patients ate the new breakfast food and loved it. It was 1894, and a new cereal was born
Even after they left the health center, patients ordered bags of the cereal. By 1895, John and Will were producing 100,000 pounds off flakes every year and selling each ten-ounce box for fifteen cents. John was not interested in taking care of this new food business and left all the work to his brother, as usual. Will continued to experiment with new foods for the next few years and came out with a new cereal made from corn-he called it corn flakes!