Hypertension is amajor cause of cardiovascular disease, ranking
first in hospitalization and even death in many developed countries
(Kannel, Ho, & Thom, 1994). One of the most important causes of
hypertension is high salt intake. Currently, diets attempt to include
less salt in their compositions; however salt reduction involves a
decrease in the intensity of the product flavour. The inclusion of
bioactive molecules able to reduce hypertension is a novel
approach in functional food research. At present, one of the most
frequently studied families is bioactive peptides from fermented
dairy products. These peptides have inhibitory action on the
angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), which prevents the formation
of angiotensin II, a potent vasoconstrictor. Clinical evidence has
shown that they decrease blood pressure (Ricci, Artacho, & Olalla,