All the regenerated shoots could be induced to develop roots by the end of third week with the highest efficiency recorded for directly regenerated shoots of all the three explants. Percentage root induction recorded from shoots developed from CN explants ranged from 74 ± 0.3 to 92 ± 0.2 (Table 2). The percentage root induction of shoots obtained directly from AN explants was 86 + 0.7 and 87 ± 0.2, respectively. Whereas, percentage root induction of shoots developed from ST
explants both directly and through callus ranged from 55 ± 0.5 to 83 ± 0.7, a
higher efficiency of rooting was recorded from directly regenerated shoots (Table
Plantlets with healthy shoots and well‐developed roots were transferred to pots and could be acclimated in the glasshouse by three weeks (Fig. 1h). Survival was more in case of directly regenerated plantlets than those regenerated via callus or somatic embryos (for all the explants) in both accessions. Further, those regenerated from CN explants had the highest survival rate compared to those regenerated from ST and AN explants in both the accessions (Table 3). The most efficient explant was the CN and the most efficient route of plant regeneration was direct shoot regeneration. The protocols were largely accession independent