At 3am, a message from General Li Mu came in, “We found it out. Not Ordinary dispatched 200 people to the south of Ba Huang Forest for a mission. It’s said to be an A rank task, shared by 50 people. The other 150 people are clearing their path. The final reward is an Emperor Tier axe. What do you think?”
I smiled and raised my sword, “What else is there to say? Dispatch 500 brothers back to the city, and we’ll directly go and kick [Mass Burial]’s asses. Let’s make sure they won’t be able to do a single thing today!”
I fished out a return scroll to head back to the city. A white light appeared in the middle of Ba Huang City and soon, [Zhan Long]’s 500 people group had finished gathering. We all left the city together, racing southwards.
20 minutes later, quite a few players that were spending the night leveling up in a vast forest were killing monsters. In the distance, I could already see the densely packed crimson names. That’s right, it was [Mass Burial]’s members currently advancing through a temple map. Their target seemed to be inside the temple. Off in the distance, Not Ordinary raised his battleaxe and loudly declared, “Everyone, make sure to focus. [Zhan Long] wants to exterminate all of us? F*ck that, I don’t believe that Xiao Yao Zi Zai really has that type of remarkable ability. Just wait and see, I’ll make [Zhan Long] and Xiao Yao Zi Zai learn that [Mass Burial] isn’t someone they can mess around with! Mm, well, let’s first get that f*cking Emperor Tier axe in our hands….”
A Wind Elf Archer desperately flapping his wings flew out from the forest. Breathing heavily, he shouted, “Boss, bad news!”
“What happened? Why are you so panicked? You look as if a fire is burning your eyebrows or something. Didn’t I once say something like, ‘stay composed even if Mt. Tai collapsed’?”
“Boss! The [Zhan Long] players are here! They have 500 people 800 meters north of us led by Xiao Yao Zi Zai, Li Mu and Wang Jiang!”
Not Ordinary felt a chill down his spine, “F*ck! This endless killing spree… it’s making me so f*cking mad. Everyone, turn around and engage in battle with [Zhan Long]! Also, go contact [Flying Dragon] and [Hero’s Mound] to ask for reinforcements!”
Next to him, Youyi’s face ashened, “Boss! Cang Cheng said he went offline to rest. [Hero’s Mound: First Division]’s two Vice Guild Masters are playing dead as well. [Flying Dragon]…… Soaring Dragon and his guys still have their corpses guarded by Han Bei Song……”
Not Ordinary’s face turned white, “Is God trying to destroy my [Mass Burial]? Go contact…. contact Wonderland Nightclub’s boss, Wang Zong….”
Youyi shivered, “….. Boss, this Wang Zong is an amateur. He’s still Lv 17…. What the hell can he do?”
Not Ordinary showed an angry expression, “Did I say that we were asking Wang Zong to save us? What I said was to….. get Wang Zong to go get two beauties for me…… I’m gonna go cool down a bit!”
“Then what are we going to do here?”
“Everyone log off!”