The primary purpose in gargoyle life is to protect. The inclination to act as protectors probably comes from a fiercely territorial ancestry. Their clan structure and natural inclination toward an authoritarian style of leadership gives us strong clues as to how early gargate groups interacted. Clearly, early sentient gargates didn't experience nearly as much from species in-fighting as early humans did (given the seemingly unlimited territory to expand into and virtually no predators truly able to threaten the species), as even to the modern age, Gargoyles with no previous relationship openly welcome same-species strangers.[17] Inter-clan warfare would have been extremely rare by medieval times given that the clans were so spread out.[18] It could be that their habitual communal adoption of young gargoyles naturally extends to a generally more accepting environment than the strong ties humans and many other large predators place on blood relation. It's also possible that early gargates were as territorial and violent as a pride of lions or pack of wolves, and as gargate sentience developed over time, they phased these traits out in favor of increasing their odds for survival.