ethic make up: turkish 80%,Kurdish 20% (estimated)
Religions : Muslim 99.8% (mostly sunni), other 0.2% (mostly christian and jews)
Government:republican paliamentary democracy
Islam is the religion of the majority og turks althrough the state is fiercely secular.Islam emanated from what is today Saudi Arabia. the prophet Muhammad is seen as the last of god's emissaries (following in the footsteps of Jesus, Moses,Abraham,etc) to bring revelation to mankind.He was distinguished with bringing a message for the whole of mankind,rather than just to a certain peoples.As Moses brought the Tarah and Jesus the bible,Muhammad brought the last book,the Quran and the actions of the Prophet (the Sunnah) and used as the basis for all guidance in ther religion.
Among certain obligations for the muslims are to pray five times a day - at dawn, noon,afternoon,sunset,and evening.the exact time is listed in the local newspaper each day.Friday is the Muslim holy day altrough this is not practised in Turkey.However,most males will attend the congregational afternoon prayer.During the holy month of Ramazan illMuslims must fast from dawn to dusk.Fasting includes no eating,drinking,cigarete smoking,or gum chewing.
Meeting and Greeting etiquette1.
1.When meeting shake hands firmly.when departing it is not always customary to shake hands althrough it is practised occationally.
2.Friends and relations would grret each other with either one or two kisses on the cheek.Elders are always respected by kissing their tight hand then placing the forehead onto the hand.
3.when entering a room, if you are not automatically met by someone greet the most eldely or most senior first.At social occasions greet the person closet toy you then work your way around the room or table anti-clockwise.
4.Greet people with either the Islamic greeting of Asalamu alaykum' (peace be upon you) or 'Nasilsiniz' (How are you? pronouced na-sul-su-nuz). Other useful phrase are "Gunaydin' (Good morning pronounced goon-ay-dun), 'iyi gunler' (Good day, pronounced ee-yee-gun-ler) or 'Memnun Oldum' (pleased to meet you)
ethic make up: turkish 80%,Kurdish 20% (estimated)
Religions : Muslim 99.8% (mostly sunni), other 0.2% (mostly christian and jews)
Government:republican paliamentary democracy
Islam is the religion of the majority og turks althrough the state is fiercely secular.Islam emanated from what is today Saudi Arabia. the prophet Muhammad is seen as the last of god's emissaries (following in the footsteps of Jesus, Moses,Abraham,etc) to bring revelation to mankind.He was distinguished with bringing a message for the whole of mankind,rather than just to a certain peoples.As Moses brought the Tarah and Jesus the bible,Muhammad brought the last book,the Quran and the actions of the Prophet (the Sunnah) and used as the basis for all guidance in ther religion.
Among certain obligations for the muslims are to pray five times a day - at dawn, noon,afternoon,sunset,and evening.the exact time is listed in the local newspaper each day.Friday is the Muslim holy day altrough this is not practised in Turkey.However,most males will attend the congregational afternoon prayer.During the holy month of Ramazan illMuslims must fast from dawn to dusk.Fasting includes no eating,drinking,cigarete smoking,or gum chewing.
Meeting and Greeting etiquette1.
1.When meeting shake hands firmly.when departing it is not always customary to shake hands althrough it is practised occationally.
2.Friends and relations would grret each other with either one or two kisses on the cheek.Elders are always respected by kissing their tight hand then placing the forehead onto the hand.
3.when entering a room, if you are not automatically met by someone greet the most eldely or most senior first.At social occasions greet the person closet toy you then work your way around the room or table anti-clockwise.
4.Greet people with either the Islamic greeting of Asalamu alaykum' (peace be upon you) or 'Nasilsiniz' (How are you? pronouced na-sul-su-nuz). Other useful phrase are "Gunaydin' (Good morning pronounced goon-ay-dun), 'iyi gunler' (Good day, pronounced ee-yee-gun-ler) or 'Memnun Oldum' (pleased to meet you)
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