6.7.1 Check and suggest the managing director to comply with occupational health and safety regulations.
6.7.2 Perform job analysis for identifying hazard including establish preventive measures or work procedure and propose to managing director.
6.7.3 Perform risk assessment.
6.7.4 Analyze work plan, program and suggestion from each department them suggest safety measures to managing director.
6.7.5 Perform the audit to check the compliance with work plan, program or safety measures.
6.7.6 Suggest the employee to comply with safety regulations and manual.
6.7.7 Train the employee to avoid the cause of unsafe from working.
6.7.8 Measure and evaluate the working environment or cooperate with the qualified persons of firms that certified by government to approve or check the document, evidence or report concerning to working environment measurement.
6.7.9 Suggest the employer for providing safety management method that appropriated with company and continually development for its efficiency.
6.7.10 Investigate and analyze the cause of injury illness or nuisance from working and report the investigation result and suggest to employer to prevent the recurrence urgently.
6.7.11 Summarize the statistics, data analysis, prepare the report and suggest about injury illness and nuisance from working prevention.
6.7.12 Responsible for other safety work as assigned by managing director.