of the residual PLA film. In the absence of compost isolates, decrease in the weight of PLA film was hardly observed. On the other hand, isolate MS-2 showed 45.5% of weight loss within 15-20 days of incubation. Whereas, only 4% weight loss was reported after 40 days of incubation with Bordetella pettri PLA-3 [10]. It clearly indicates the involvement of compost mesophiles of the present study in the degradation of PLA. In the presence of PLA film, increase in TOC value was observed from the initial phase and reached maximum after two weeks of degradation and then decreased gradually. Similar results were observed in degradation of PLA film with Geo bacillus thermocatenulatus [14] and Amycolatopsis mediterrani ATCC27643[15]. These results suggest that the PLA film has been used as carbon source and the growth of bacteria was induced by the assimilation of soluble degradation products which corresponds to decrease in TOC at later stages. SEM inspections had shown the presence of a bio film, which suggested microbial degradation. The SEM image of PLA film exhibited opaque and rough surface with irregular holes and the PLA film was totally mutilated due to the growth of isolates MS-1, MS-2 and MS-3. In contrast, the scanning electron micrographs showed no significant changes of the sample morphology in the absence of isolates. It is well-known fact that the synthesis of biofilms by bacteria favours their adhesion to surfaces and helps them to survive under low nutrient environment and utilize solid substrates [16]. Our results are supported by those of Jarerat and Tokiwa [17] who reported the degradation of PLA by fungus Tritirachium album ATCC 22563, actionmycetes Amycolatopsis sp [5] and a Gram negative bacterium Pseudomonas DS04-T [10]. The degradation potential of mesophilic strains was also confirmed by clear zone assay method. Pranamuda and Tokiwa, [18 ] isolated 25 Amycolatopsis strains out of which 15 formed clear zones on agar plate emulsified with polylactide, suggesting a large distribution of PLA degraders within the genus. Nakamura etal., [19] isolated Amycolatopsis strains K104-1 and K104-2 which have the ability to form clear zones on the PLA-emulsified agar plates at 37oC. Based on the zone of hydrolysis on emulsified PLA agar plates, MS-2 was selected for further identification. The identification of isolate MS-2 was carried out with standard method [20] and analysis of 16Sr RNA of isolate MS-2 was identified as Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. This was found to be a new one possessing PLA degradation activity under ambient environment because it has little phylogenetic similarity with other PLA-degrading bacteria reported earlier. The results demonstrate that the purified enzyme is protease that was involved in the degradation of PLA. The esterase type degradation of PLA has been reported only for PLA depolymerase from a thermophile Bacillus smithii[9]. 5