Nanocrystalline Magnesium ferrite has been prepared by chemical co-precipitation technique. Structural characteriza- tion has been performed by X-ray diffraction. Formation of ferrites has also been studied by using FTIR. Frequency dependence of real and imaginary part of initial permeability has been presented for the samples sintered at different temperatures. Real part of initial permeability, increases with the increase of grain growth. The loss component repre- sented by imaginary part of initial permeability decreases with frequency up to the measured frequency of this study of 13 MHz. Curie temperatures have been determined from the temperature dependence of permeability. Curie tempera- tures for the samples of this composition do not vary significantly with the variation of sintering temperatures. B-H loop measurements have been carried out by B-H loop tracer. Transport property measurements haven been carried out by electrometer and impedance analyzer.