For myself , two goals have been had about study abroad ,are in short-term and long-term. Short-term will be described in part of Work and Travel in 3 months. This goal will be achieved before i graduate Bachelor's Degree. At first, destination should be chosen. San Francisco, US is chosen to be my best choice. Agencies are importance. Nowadays, they can be found easily. An agency must be selected from a credible company. Perhaps a person who used to lived there can be asked for some information. Then, part-time job will be chosen too. Most of jobs are interviewed via Skype. Wages are earned from the job can be allocated to save up ,expenses and travel. After the job is finished, the plans for travel will be started from now on. A lot of experiences can be found in the time remaining.Camera should be brought. It is taken to keep all of beautiful pictures and good memories. Everything that you want to do should be done. Let's have fun !