3. Results
3.1. Chemical composition of MOLM
The chemical composition of dietary treatments is presented in Table 2. The concentration of CP, NDF, and ADF was found to be 284, 801, and 549 g/kg DM, respectively.
3.2. Feed intake and growth performance
Statistical significance (P values) of the effect of main factors (diet, chicken strain and weeks) and their interac- tion on feed intake, feed conversion ratio and growth rate
Table 2
Chemical analysis of diets on an ‘as fed basis’ (g/kg).
MOLM 0 25.0 50.0 100.0
Dry matter 896.0 874.0 851.0 807.0
Crude protein 189.0 189.0 189.0 189.0
Ether Extract 52.0 57.0 61.0 69.0
Ash 49.0 47.0 45.0 42.0
ADFb 36.0 42.0 47.0 57.0
NDFc 96.0 100.1 106.0 116.0
Crude Fibre 36.0 35.0 34.0 33.0
MEd (kcal/kg) 3157.6 3157.4 3157.2 3156.8
Lysine 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7
Methionine 4.0 4.2 4.3 4.5
a Diet: MOLM0 ¼ broiler finisher without MOLM inclusion; MOLM25 ¼ broiler finisher diluted with 25 g MOLM/kg; MOLM50 ¼ broi- ler finisher diluted with 50 g MOLM/kg; MOLM100 ¼ broiler finisher diluted at 100 g MOLM/kg.
b ADF ¼ Acid detergent fibre.
c NDF ¼ Neutral detergent fibre.
d ME ¼ Metabolizable energy.