In all treatments fish increased rapidly in weight over the experimental period with
significant P-0.05. increases in weight for each successive 7-day period measured
between Day 25 and Day 53 Fig. 1. Prior to day 46, there was no significant difference
in mean body weight between the treatments except for the fish in the treatment G 5
fish ly1, cover and shelter.. At day 43–53, the weight of fish in the treatment B 10 fish
ly1 . and D 10 fish ly1 and cover. was lower than the rest of the treatments. Greatest
individual weight gains, over the experimental period corresponded to Treatment G,
where low stocking density, low light and shelters were provided. In this treatment fish
gained significantly more weight over each 7-day period than in the other treatments.
Comparisons are presented between pair of treatments, when either density or covering
or shelter are varied Table 2..