3 Checklists. A checklist is a structured tool, usually industry- or activity-specific, used to
verify that a set of required steps has been performed. Checklists may be simple or com-
plex. They are usually phrased as imperatives (“Do this!”) or interrogatories (“Have you
done this?”). Many organizations have standardized checklists available to ensure consis-
tency in frequently performed activities. In some application areas, checklists are also
available from professional associations or commercial service providers.
.4 Inputs to other processes. The quality planning process may identify a need for further
activity in another area.
Quality assurance is all the planned and systematic activities implemented within
the quality system to provide confidence that the project will satisfy the relevant
quality standards [6]. It should be performed throughout the project. Prior to de-
velopment of the ISO 9000 Series, the activities described under quality planning
were widely included as part of quality assurance.
Quality assurance is often provided by a Quality Assurance Department or simi-
larly titled organizational unit, but it does not have to be.
Assurance may be provided to the project management team and to the manage-
ment of the performing organization (internal quality assurance) or it may be pro-
vided to the customer and others not actively involved in the work of the project
(external quality assurance).