Attractions in Mae Wong National Park. Viewpoint KIO Bull
It is located 81 kilometres along the main road, Khlong LAN-Umphang, about 16 kilometers to reach the area of the cliffs, a viewpoint overlooking ... Around the beautiful and cool.
Cool channel 93 km away from the National Park's highest point is 28 kilometers of road and Khlong LAN-Umphang 1340 metre high from sea level, with the wind blowing through and fog covered to date. Cold weather all year round, and as the sun set the other one. Average annual temperature is lower than 20°-310, "the family from this channel with the breeze blowing through all the time, so it was named as" cool "as this area's climate because it cold is cool and damp weather. Therefore, I found the trees like moist areas such as orchids. Mahat, the black ferns (Treefern) in addition, it is also a cool local variety of freshwater is one of the major sources of birds of Thailand. Cool area. There is a House and set up a tent but will prepare their own device is a plastic sweater bags for insect lotion and a garbage disposal. Cool cannot be garbage. A lamp or flashlight, because electricity is available from 17.00-21.00 pm cool to watch a beautiful Sunrise is a viewpoint over a 360-degree view of heaven.