Throughout the world the content of hexavalent chromium in cement is under control. In Europe, thenew restrictions on the amount of this substance prohibit the use of cement having concentration morethan 2 ppm. However, hexavalent chromium contents in cements above 2 mg kg
are still foundfrequently. The study represents a contribution to the establishing of possible limitations of thiscompound. The analyses showed that 7 of 10 cements analyzed by us satisfy the requirements for limi
value of 2 ppm for water-soluble chromium (VI) in cement available in our market. Chromium (VIwas analyzed using the reference diphenylcarbazide spectrophotometric method from TRGS 613.Theresults for the absorbance spectra showed that maximum absorbance peak of the hexavalent chromium
complex was at 538.7 nm. It was recorded in the range 25-200µg Cr(VI) L
) using Varian Cary 50reader system. Parameters such extraction time in dependence of the rotary of the stirring andwavelength variation were optimized and the results obtained were satisfying. In the present work аcement sample from the Devnya manufacturer was tested and it was found that this cement satisfiesthe European standard requirements. Finally, this application describes a simple and rapid, costeffective