3.5. Thiol loss in myosin heavy chain
In parallel to the Sypro Ruby protein stain, the samples without DTT
were stained by the thiol-specific IAF in order to determine the level of
thiols in MHC by a semi-quantitative approach (Fig. 4, left panel). The
colored smear in the bottom of the gel (ca. 45 kDa, omit b) is caused
by residual IAF in the gel. The degree of thiols per MHC was estimated
by the ratio between the pixel intensity of the thiol-specific IAF staining
and the pixel intensity of theMHC band by Sypro Ruby protein staining
(Fig. 3) for each sample (Fig. 4, right panel). Addition of 100 and
500 ppm green tea extract to the meat emulsions showed significant