Yoshiaki asked Ritsuka, Uki’s brother, if this is his younger sister, and she’s so cute. He also asked if she is in elementary. Ritsuka said that right now, she still cannot get married and she’s in grade one. Yoshiaki said that isn’t what he meant. Putting his arm around Yoshiaki, Ritsuka introduces him to Uki by saying that this guy is his friend, Yoshi..Kudou Yoshi-what again. Yoshiaki said that it is Yoshiaki and he is really too easygoing. Ritsuka laughed and said that it is almost correct. Narration: “Yoshi- Since he was young, he is always sick so he stayed in the hospital. Always until lately, it seems that he got discharged from the hospital and started to go to school.” Looking at the insect in a container, Yoshiaki says that it is because he is very idle that he can only go read books or maybe go to the hospital’s courtyard and catch insects. He told Uki that even if others find him very hateful [/repulsive] but Ritsuka is really a good guy. Ritsuka had asked him to come over his house. Yoshiaki informed Uki that the insect is a glass-winged butterfly. Uki exclaimed that he isn’t hateful for he knows so many, many things like the names of insects and flowers. This surprised Yoshiaki. He smiled and thanked her.