The origin and early history forms the soybean crop is unknown, it is often said that the soybean is native
to East Asia (Adcock and Neill, 2003). Soybean plants under drought stress on field observations indicate that
significant amounts of soil water Access during all stages of plant development has an important effect on plant
growth imposed. Briyer et al (2000) also concluded that climatic factors have no tangible impact on the spread
of soybean roots, but in his view there is some contrary information. However, in most cases it seems that the
total numbers of unit roots seriously affected by soil water regime are not seasonal but this does not mean that
the rate of soil water availability is not affected. Nitrogen fertilizers increased the total nitrogen in the plant, but
use as much nitrogen fertilizer, nitrogen stabilizer has a negative effect on the enzyme. So keep on soil fertility
through nitrogen fixing bacteria in the nitrogen fertilizer should be considered by the caution. Improper use may
increase the cost of planting and groundwater contamination is likely, therefore, should be enough nitrogen to
the plant needed to be taken while increasing the yield of the well to prevent environmental pollution. Palmer et
al (1995) also reported reduced nitrogen accumulation in soybean cultivars under drought stress were reported
to have suffered less decline figures have shown. The germination of soybeans, 50 percent of its weight in
water requires extra moisture rising from the soil surface is required (John, 2001). Astare and Scarisbrick
(1995) reported that application of nitrogen fertilizer on dry matter accumulation at flowering stage of soybean
lines grown in limited and unlimited growth increased
The origin and early history forms the soybean crop is unknown, it is often said that the soybean is nativeto East Asia (Adcock and Neill, 2003). Soybean plants under drought stress on field observations indicate thatsignificant amounts of soil water Access during all stages of plant development has an important effect on plantgrowth imposed. Briyer et al (2000) also concluded that climatic factors have no tangible impact on the spreadof soybean roots, but in his view there is some contrary information. However, in most cases it seems that thetotal numbers of unit roots seriously affected by soil water regime are not seasonal but this does not mean thatthe rate of soil water availability is not affected. Nitrogen fertilizers increased the total nitrogen in the plant, butuse as much nitrogen fertilizer, nitrogen stabilizer has a negative effect on the enzyme. So keep on soil fertilitythrough nitrogen fixing bacteria in the nitrogen fertilizer should be considered by the caution. Improper use mayincrease the cost of planting and groundwater contamination is likely, therefore, should be enough nitrogen tothe plant needed to be taken while increasing the yield of the well to prevent environmental pollution. Palmer etal (1995) also reported reduced nitrogen accumulation in soybean cultivars under drought stress were reportedto have suffered less decline figures have shown. The germination of soybeans, 50 percent of its weight inwater requires extra moisture rising from the soil surface is required (John, 2001). Astare and Scarisbrick(1995) reported that application of nitrogen fertilizer on dry matter accumulation at flowering stage of soybeanlines grown in limited and unlimited growth increased
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