: The aim of this study is to provide information about fish species composition, catch per
unit effort (CPUE) and percentage index of relative importance (% IRI) of fish species caught by
gillnets (mesh size range 35-55 mm) from Chi River, Mahasarakham province, Thailand. The data
was collected during June-August 2011 from 3 sampling stations: Tah-songkhon, Din-dum and
Bung-kla. Fifty-four fish species were found within 36 genera and 18 families. Fish in the Family
Cyprinidae were the dominant group with 24 fish species (44.4%). Silver barb (Barbonymus
gonionotus) was the most abundant species (16.9 % IRI), followed by common siamese barb
(Henicorhynchus siamensis) (15.0% IRI) and white lady carp (Thynnichthys thynnoides) (12.8%
IRI). The average of CPUE throughout the study was 2.1 ±0.4 kg fisher-1
. Statistical
differences among sampling sites were found and the highest CPUE, 3.8±0.6 kg fisher-1
, was at
Ban Tah-songkhon.
: The aim of this study is to provide information about fish species composition, catch perunit effort (CPUE) and percentage index of relative importance (% IRI) of fish species caught bygillnets (mesh size range 35-55 mm) from Chi River, Mahasarakham province, Thailand. The datawas collected during June-August 2011 from 3 sampling stations: Tah-songkhon, Din-dum andBung-kla. Fifty-four fish species were found within 36 genera and 18 families. Fish in the FamilyCyprinidae were the dominant group with 24 fish species (44.4%). Silver barb (Barbonymusgonionotus) was the most abundant species (16.9 % IRI), followed by common siamese barb(Henicorhynchus siamensis) (15.0% IRI) and white lady carp (Thynnichthys thynnoides) (12.8%IRI). The average of CPUE throughout the study was 2.1 ±0.4 kg fisher-1day-1. Statisticaldifferences among sampling sites were found and the highest CPUE, 3.8±0.6 kg fisher-1day-1, was atBan Tah-songkhon.
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