Abstract This paper illustrates the result of land use/
cover change in Dhaka Metropolitan of Bangladesh
using topographic maps and multi-temporal remotely
sensed data from 1960 to 2005. The Maximum
likelihood supervised classification technique was
used to extract information from satellite data, and
post-classification change detection method was
employed to detect and monitor land use/cover
change. Derived land use/cover maps were further
validated by using high resolution images such as
SPOT, IRS, IKONOS and field data. The overall
accuracy of land cover change maps, generated from
Landsat and IRS-1D data, ranged from 85% to 90%.
The analysis indicated that the urban expansion of
Dhaka Metropolitan resulted in the considerable
reduction of wetlands, cultivated land, vegetation
and water bodies. The maps showed that between
Abstract This paper illustrates the result of land use/cover change in Dhaka Metropolitan of Bangladeshusing topographic maps and multi-temporal remotelysensed data from 1960 to 2005. The Maximumlikelihood supervised classification technique wasused to extract information from satellite data, andpost-classification change detection method wasemployed to detect and monitor land use/coverchange. Derived land use/cover maps were furthervalidated by using high resolution images such asSPOT, IRS, IKONOS and field data. The overallaccuracy of land cover change maps, generated fromLandsat and IRS-1D data, ranged from 85% to 90%.The analysis indicated that the urban expansion ofDhaka Metropolitan resulted in the considerablereduction of wetlands, cultivated land, vegetationand water bodies. The maps showed that between
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