There will be four people coming out to Promenada on Saturday who will take the mall shuttle bus from Le Meridien Hotel after the CM Expats Club meeting. As you know, normally the shuttle leaves at 11.58 am and it would be most helpful if the shuttle could be held for just a few minutes since our meeting is done at 12.00 noon.
FYI -- CEC will have a total of 16 people coming to Promenada on Saturday afternoon for the special opening of Immigration for members of the Japanese CLL club and CM Expats. I believe the CLL club has nearly 30 people coming in the late morning.
So far, both CLL and CEC consider this initial special Saturday session to be on track. We were able to process the document review and submission on Tuesday at the CLL office in a reasonable timeframe. We look forward coming to the mall on Saturday.
Once again, many thanks for arranging transport for a few members, including myself, who otherwise would find it difficult to get to the mall.