The purposes of this study were to 1) Develop and validate the efficiency of a Learning Cell instructional package for arithmetic problem solving ability as the standard criterion of 80/80 2) Compare the students' learning a chievement before and after the application of the learning cell instructional package 3) Study the students' satisfaction towards the utilization of the developed learning cell instructional package for arithmetic problem solving.
By simple random sampling technique, the samples of this research consisted of 38 Prathomsuksa four Students from Wat Sammgam (Kongtonganusorn) School in the second semester academic year 2004.
The research instruments were 1) Thgdeveloped learning cell instruction package for arithmetic problem solving 2) Teacher's handbook 3) Learning achievement test, and 4) The student' s satisfaction rating scale. The statistic cmployed for data analysis were mean, standard deviation, and paired t-test value.
The results of this study revealed as the following:
1) The efficiency of the developed as learning cell instructional package for arithmetic problem solving had the outcomes as 94.12/90.95
2) The students' learning achievement attained by using the learning cell instruction package was significantly different at the .01 level, that is, the mean score of the posttest was higher than those of the pretest.
3) The students' satisfaction towards the application of the learning cell instructional package for arithmetic problem solving wsa found at a high level.