inefficient or redundant, one of the groups created has inadequate eye shape or is difficult to deVelop further, and so on. Objectives of this book To explain which points are vital in given shapes. To show how good shape is achieved, and bad shape exploited, in fighting contexts. T0 integrate shape proverbs into your knowledge of go. To look behind the proverbs to another level of more explicit mechanism, to provide supporting material, and to explain exceptions. To break dOWn the barrier between tcsuji and joscla' points of View, connecting pure intuitions with learned knowledge. To demystify many common zesuji. To help the reader to visualise how and where a tesuji might happen in the future, a requirement for a dan player. To discuss the choice of variation at a point in a joscki, when tactical reasons alone aren’t a sufficient guide. To address as we go along questions about suji, or correct style, covering some of the content of the many texts on ‘kala and suji’ in the Japanese literature.