Dense sugar content can cause dental cavities and type 2 diabetes mellitus. A short-term adverse effect as a result of eating junk foods, lack of energy which occurs because junk foods don’t provide essential nutrients, even though they can be very much sufficing, due to which one feels weakened. Unfortunately, Meals consisting of junk food don’t fill up for long. Because they are lacking in fibre, and are made of processed foods, they are rated high on the glycaemic index, which means they provide a quick rise in blood sugar, but this also falls quickly, and giving rise to hunger.. The high levels of sugar in junk food which puts metabolism under stress; when refined sugar is taken, the pancreas secretes high amounts of insulin to prevent a dangerous spike in blood sugar levels. Because fast food and junk food don’t contain adequate amounts of protein and good carbohydrates, the blood sugar levels suddenly drops after eating, resulting with grumpy, fatigued feeling and a craving for sugar. Another pathway which acetyl CoA is involved is in formation of ketone bodies, which is inactive when energy levels are high, but is active in case when impaired glucose tolerance sets in. Carbonated soft drinks, in addition to towering amount of sugar reportedly contain methylglyoxal (MG), which is strongly associated with human carbonyl stress. Fried and processed food, contains high amounts of trans fats, saturated fats in addition to ox cholesterol. Ox cholesterol is a little-known type of cholesterol which may prove to be a lethal compound to heart health as reported by Scientists from China in the National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in August 20