This investigation was carried out in a polyhouse with marigold as the test crop. The soil used in this study was collected from an uncultivated field and has been classified as fine, kaolinitic, isohypothermic, kanhaplustalfs. The sand and soil mixture in ratio 1 : 1 (v/v mix) was prepared and was mixed with FYM, vermicompost, EVC separately @ 10% ratio as per the treatment and filled in to uniform sized polybags of 20 x 12 cm holding 1.5 kg of substrate. The sand and soil mixture substrate had a pH of 5.8 (1 : 10 soil to water extract ratio) containing 3.8 ppm available phosphorus (extractable NH4F + HCl, Jackson 1973). American Maximum Yellow F1 hybrid marigold seedlings (forty days old) raised in the seedling trays were used in the experiment with farmyard manure (FYM), vermicompost and enriched vermicompost (EVC) as the three treatments. Each treatment had 10 replications.