The Brains of the Computer
the CPU is similar to human brain. Every single operation that you do with your computer is processed in CPU. The performance of your computer is based on simple mathematical operations. CPU is the device, that controls all the operations. Let's say we are using a calculator to add two numbers. The numbers are entered from your keyboard. The keyboard controller turns all the information you have entered into the binary code. Binary code consist of sequences of 0 and 1. All this information is sent to the registry and after then it is transferred to the CPU. The CPU has integrated ALU (Arithmetical Logical Unit). This unit is responsible for all mathematical and logical operations. So, your request to add two numbers comes to the CPU. Then it is transferred to the ALU. ALU adds the binary numbers and returns the answer to the CPU. CPU transfers the answer for output device. Adding two numbers is very simple example but it basically illustrates the functions of the CPU. Every single step you perform on your computer is in one way or another connected to your CPU. So it is very important to keep your processor on a good form. Overheating can be critical factor that can lead to system's fail.