Thank you for your answer. Please have a look at the attachment of your budget for 2015.
I understand the position “Accpac System” of THB 7’500 per month, which is the total of THB 90’000 for 12 month and is budgeted. This is OK.
According to the attached budget sheet there is another amount of THB 6’000 budgeted. Please help me to understand which position this is in your below table. Is it the “Business Plus Service” with a monthly amount of THB 458.33?
Can you please confirm to me the forecast for the extra costs for “Richnet IT & Service”? Do you await these fees every month now? Would this mean extra costs of THB 19’666.68 for 2015 (12x1’638.89)? Do you await more extra costs apart this service? If yes, I would like to receive a forecast.
Are you sure that HP Probook is correct in cc820? This is in regard of an asset not a service. Maybe George can help?
Thanks for your answer again. What is important to me is to understand what your forecast is until 2015 in your cc820.