Mission statement
“To be the best pizza for every pizza occasion”
“Alone we are delicious, together we are YUM!”
We are P.E.A.R.L.S
- P ASSION for excellence in Doing everything
- E XECUTE with positive energy and need
- A CCOUNTABLE for growth in customer satisfaction
- R ECOGNIZE the achievement of others and have fun doing it
- L ISTEN and more importantly, respond to the voice of the customer.
To make the people know that for all the eating items they desire to eat can be made available in minimum time without our effort excluding money.
To improve the well being of our customers, community and peopleconnected to our enterprise. “RUN GREAT RESTURANTS”
Objectives & Goals
Our goal is to reach 85% recognition of the new product in our target market.
As with all businesses, the most important goal of a company is to increase revenue and profits.