Harrier Motors deals in motor vehicles, sell spear parts, provides after-sales servicing and undertakes car body repairs. During the financial year to 30 June 20x7, the company expanded its operations from five to eight sites.
Each site has a car showroom, service workshop and parts storage.
In May 20x7, management appointed an experienced chartered certified accountant to set up an internal audit department.
New cars are imported, on consignment, every three month from supplier. Harrier pays the purchase price of the cars, plus 3 percent. three month after taking delivery. Harrier does not return unsold cars, although it has legal right to do so.
Harrier offer 'trade-ins' (i.e. part-exchange) on all sales of new and used cars. New car sales carry a three-year manufacturer's warranty and used carry a six-month guarantee. Many used cars are sold for cash. An extensive range of spare parts is held for which perpetual inventory records are kept. Storekeepers carry out continuous checking.
Mr. Joop, the sales executive, selects a car from each consignment to use for all his business and personal travelling until a next consignment is received. Such cars are sold at a discount as ex-demonstration models. Car servicing and body repairs are carried out in workshop by employed and subcontracted service engineer. Most jobs are started and finished in a day and are invoiced immediately on completion.
In May 2003 Harrier purchased a brand name 'Uni-fit', which is now applied to parts which it suppliers. Management has not amortised this intangible asset as it believes its useful life to be indefinite.