Speed boat to Koh Larn
If you enjoy a faster mode of transportation, you may want to hire a speed boat. The cost here again is between 1500baht and 2500baht. What determines price is the size of the boat, if you have a small group pick out one of the smaller boats. Most all of the speed boats are well maintained and have safety equipment aboard. All the captains have plenty of experience, they don't just let any one operate these crafts. Speed boat operators are easy to find. They operate all along Beach Road. In fact you really don't have to find them they will find you, sooner than you think. All you have to do is get to Beach Road. All the boat operators have a good knowledge of the area and can assist you in finding just that right spot. I know what most are thinking while reading this about now. Why spend 2000baht when the ferry is so cheap? If you have a group of say six or so, with the cost split up, then subtract the cost of all the other expenses like taxis etc., this ends up really being a pretty good deal. Add all this to the convenience and speed of getting to the island it becomes even a better deal. Ferry Boat is still cheaper by far, however if you come on a vacation really you came to have a good time, not to watch every Baht.