Dear Mr Eccles
On behalf of everyone at Red Zone Team. I would like to thank you for your very generous sponsorship of our team for the coming season. It has really sent a buzz through the entire team and everyone connected with our club. I enclose some photos of pre-season training and a thank you card from the entire squad.
We have received the Greenfield Landscaping logo images you sent through and have passed them on to our supplier of team strips. We should receive our new kit bearing your name next week, in plenty of time for the new season. In addition we have included the logo on the team fixture lists and newsletters which have recently been sent out to all club members.
You might be aware that there is a mini tournament and fun day organised for Sunday 28th August at the Maia Lane Community Club to mark the start of the new campaign. As well as a series of short matches we hope to have some fun competitions and other club fundraisers during the day. If you, or anyone else from Greenfield Landscaping would like to attend you would be a most welcome guest, though we might grab you to present a prize or two!
Here's to the start of a great season. Thank you again for your generous sponsorship. We hope that we will live up to our achievements of previous years. We promise to keep you updated of our progress.
With very best regards