Passive carrier: The service provider is merely providing a conduit for the transmission or routing of infringing material, including copies automatically made in the course of the transmission.8)_and_footnotes(n148);.vk n148
System caching: The service provider automatically makes and retains copies of the material, for example, of frequently-visited remote websites, purely to improve network performance and reduce congestion for users, and it generally respects the technological and access parameters set by the site operator.
User postings: Without receiving a direct financial benefit, the service provider provides access to infringing material posted on its system by a user, for example, by storing the material on its site at the direction of a user; however, it does not know the material is infringing, is unaware of facts or circumstances from which infringement is apparent, and it responds appropriately to notification regarding any infringing posting.8)_and_footnotes(n149);.vk n149
Links, indices, etc.: The service provider furnishes an information-location tool, such as a hyperlink, directory, or pointer, that facilitates access to infringing material, even if posted outside its system, subject to conditions similar to those applicable in the preceding situation, including lack of scienter and appropriate response to notification.