2.6. Sensory analysis
The sensory evaluation was performed by 30 randomly selected
panelists e 15 were trained and 15 untrained. Thirty gram sausage
samples from each batch were served to each panelist after 2 min
of frying. A hedonic test was carried out to select the most consumer
preferred sausage among the four MOL incorporated
sausage types (T1eT4) and the positive control (T5). Different
sensory attributes, such as color, odor, texture, juiciness, taste and
overall acceptability was determined by using a five point Hedonic
2.7. Statistical analysis
Five replications of the study were performed and measurements
of all parameters were made in duplicate. Data were
analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)4 using the
General Linear Model (GLM)5 procedure of the SAS (SAS Institute
Inc., 2000) software. Sensory analysis data were analyzed using the
MINITAB software package. Significant differences among means
were separated by the Least Significance Difference (LSD).6 Differences
at P < 0.05 were considered significant.